Touchless No Button-Press Hands Free Intercoms Reduce Virus Transmission
While this is being written, the COVID-19 virus is spreading across the US and the World. Even when it finally does subside, people will have developed a sensitivity about touching things in public. Since most Intercoms are designed to require a button press to make a call, we decided touchless intercom solutions were needed that don't require people to touch anything. More info is available below the products.

If you need a wireless solution, we have a full-duplex wireless product as well. You can connect sensors to it that call the inside station, or you can get a software upgrade to auto-answer calls from the inside station. These intercoms can operate at long distances as well
All of these solutions ensure that people can keep their hands safely to themselves without worry about transmission off or catching a virus. Call 888-298-9489 to let our product experts assist you in selecting the right option for your needs.